We all want to be healthy right? Both physically and mentally with less hospital visits?
But we often ignore one of the basic pillars of a healthy body and mind . That's food. We are what we eat. Our food not only satisfy our hunger but also nourishes our body. Our body takes the energy and nutrients from the food we eat.
In this busy world we are often looking for quick food options and ends up eating foods with low nutrient value unknowingly which in turn throws our body out of balance. Hormonal imbalances, glucose spike, unwanted fat deposition,diabetes ,heart diseases etc are results of a poor diet.
Do you know we can keep them at bay by opting a healthy diet? No, I'm not asking you to ditch your junk food completely or that sugary drink. But know the right foods and right proportion of every food you are swallowing.
A healthy diet comprises of all the nutrients in balanced quantities. Our body needs right amount of carbohydrate, protein, fats, fiber, vitamins and minerals and adequate amount of water.
Here are some healthy eating tips :
Fill your plate with more of vegetables .
Be sure to add a source of protein (eggs, cottage cheese, soyabean, beans such as chickpeas, kidney beans, tofu etc) .
Don't forget a source of healthy fat(ghee, olive oil, cold pressed oils, flax seeds,)
2 servings of fruit a day.2-3 litres of water a day.
Avoid fried and processed foods.Avoid sugary foods and drinks. Practice moderation whenever you eat something. Excessive of anything is bad.
Build a healthy relationship with food. Let food heal you. And not harm you.
I want to impart my knowledge of health to everyone . Teach them the relationship between food and health. Teach the basics of diet and fitness so that they can practice these in their daily lives and stay healthy and happy. Lifestyle related health issues are rising on a high scale. This is where i want to educate them about food, nutrition, physical exercise and how to implement in their daily lives to stay away from lifestyle related diseases and live longer.
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